Tuesday 21 May 2013

Why did we choose to align ourselves with ‘Free the Slaves’?

We believe ‘Free the Slaves’ is an organisation that exists for the betterment of humanity. We believe their methods of marketing taps into our new generation and they have great potential to create a social movement that can make a significant difference in the fight against human slavery. Through our alliance with ‘Free the Slaves’, we aim to make connections with their large and dedicated pool community of followers to further build our brand.

They effectively utilize connection marketing through sharing videos online, connecting customers with the brand and using social media. They use a surprise effect by portraying shocking messages through buzz marketing using interactive media capturing the awful things that slaves endure.

Most of the money ‘Free the Slaves’ acquires goes into the cause. Due to their small marketing budget they use guerrilla-marketing techniques by investing a lot of time, energy and imagination into generating buzz through thought provoking content such as videos.

‘Free the Slaves’ uses the four important publishing tools; blog, wiki, forum, video sharing to deliver up to date content, which provides social interaction via highly accessible sources. ‘Free the Slaves’ uses social media sources like Twitter and Facebook to share current news and content, they make regular calls to action and interact with their followers. They retweet, reply and add input into discussions that occur online.

Through the use of their social media they meet all ‘10 laws of Social Media Marketing’ as they: listen to followers/connections, have a focused brand, have quality followers/connections, show patience, create content the followers want to share, build relationships with industry affiliates, add valuable content to conversations with followers and acknowledge followers that reach out.

‘Freedom Cups’ shares the same message as ‘Free the Slaves’ and, because of the aforementioned marketing methods, they have they have the most potential to amplify our message, increase our following and bring more attention to us by going viral.

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