Monday 20 May 2013

What is the organisation 'Free the Slaves' and what do they do?

What is ‘Free the Slaves’?
‘Free the Slaves’ is a non-government, not for profit organisation and lobby group that was formed in 2001 with the aim to abolish slavery.

Their core values are; all people have the right to be free from slavery, all people have the right to realise their true potential, committing to supporting sustainable solutions, strategies based on accurate research, seeking guidance from local and regional anti-slavery programs all over the world, and being transparent with finances.

Their core purpose is to abolish slavery and liberate all slaves across the planet through sustainable methods.

Their target visionary goal, or BHAG, is to end slavery in 25 years by uniting together as one.

How the plan to attain their goal?
The two barriers currently stopping the planet eradicating slavery are public awareness and money allocated. Through using world class research and enthralling stories of slavery all over the planet, ‘Free the Slaves’ convince powerful and powerless that the world can be rid of slavery.

Who are they targeting to convince and why?
Every government has legislation banning slavery, however as slavery exists, they are not enforcing these laws. The solution is governments appointing an anti-slavery ambassador to coordinate anti-slavery efforts with both the government and other anti-slavery organisations.
The United Nations and other international organisations have legislation in place combating slavery, however they rarely take action. The solution is that the United Nations must legislate their laws, similarly to the way they do with weapons of mass destruction.
Consciously or not, businesses all over the world use slave made materials and commodities. The solution is to rid all slave made materials and commodities from supply chains and to make conscious decisions to not purchase goods that may have been derived from slave labour.
Once a city is of rid of slaves it must be kept that way. Ensuring a city stays slavery free will consist of maintaining six elements. Keep raising public awareness, drive home the message, having trained professionals combating slavery on the streets, providing excellent support to freed slaves, stamping out slave made products from the local economy and frequently recognizing the achievement of a slave free city.
You can help free the slaves too. Alert authorities if you see any suspicious behaviour. Spread the message, raise awareness and join our cause. Donations to ‘Free the Slaves’ go a long way.

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