Sunday 12 May 2013

Benefits of Advertising on Coffee cups

Coffee cup advertising is seen as a very powerful way to advertise for many reasons. There are three main things that you look for when advertising effectively these are; the amount of people reached, the length of time and concentration they have on the advertisement and if the advertising is being directed at the target group.

Indian commuters at Churchgate railway station in Mumbai, 11 July 2007
Coffee cups are usually looked at by at least six people. That is six almost guaranteed audience members, however if the coffee cups are in a crowded public place such as a train station there is the possibility of hundreds of viewers. In terms of cost per viewer it is very possible for coffee cup advertising to be the cheapest in the market.

The average time it takes a person to drink a coffee is 37 minutes. During this time they will almost always have it within their line of site so there is a lot of time for retention. Not only is there a long viewing time but 84% of CBD coffee consumers sit at computers with internet access.

Coffee cup advertising is able to be targeted to different shop locations meaning that a fairly targeted audience can be reached. For example people may want to advertise to university students so coffee shops in or near universities will be targeted or business people would be targeted by shops within the CBD.

These are just some of the reasons why coffee cups are such an effective way to advertise.

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