Sunday 21 April 2013

How we see our competitors and benchmarking

Thought leadership, benchmarking and competitors are all important aspects of any social enterprise. The aspect of having innovative ideas is the foundation to being successful and to tell a story within. Some questions that arise from this are what are we going to do differently to our competitors? Also, how will we stand out and offer a better deal?

In order for our social enterprise to progress and grow, we need to have a big customer base so benchmarking is of high importance. The higher we aim, the more positive the overall result in achieving of our goal of telling a story can be for us and ultimately helping achieve our final goal. Even from the figures we have estimated in our financial plans, we have remained quite conservative, so the potential for us to exceed these benchmarks originally set out, is quite high.

For us, the customer base is consisting of two different groups, but both equally important and reliant on each other. The coffee shops who we would be supplying our cups for free are one customer group and the other is the actual advertisers who would be using our cups as a means of advertising their own organisation. The better deal that our enterprise offers is that our cups are environmentally friendly and our greater cause gives a considerable percentage of our profits back into the community in ensuring that the slaves within the coffee industry are freed. We have benchmark of getting 5 extra coffee shops a month, which will help us achieve a very nice profit in a space of 3 years, and as aforementioned, this is a rather conservative proposal. Things can only look positive in helping us tell our story and to be noticed.

Saturday 20 April 2013

who are we?

Freedom Cups is a social organization who have a mission to not only make profits but also to help the fight against slave labour, whilst remaining environmentally sound. To do this we are giving away free coffee cups to the local businesses, whilst using advertisements on the cups from larger organizations to fund the business.
Freedom Cups is a social enterprise as we are being profitable whilst helping a greater cause being  Free the Slaves and the environment.